Sunday, December 29, 2013

This blog is not dead

I have installed Blogsy, on my iPad, and so I plan on posting more posts, in a more regular manner. This is my first Blogsy post, think of it as a test run.



Sunday, July 29, 2012

Song of Bricks and Lego

I want to start blogging, about other peoples experiences, who are using Lego to play wargames. I want to record their games and collate their stories. I hope, as I do this, I find more and more games out there in cyber-space to record here on my blog. The more stories and games I record, he more inspiration others will get to play Lego wargames. Well that is my desire.

This is my first find, and it is from The "Chicago Skirmish Wargames" Blog. This game, they called Song of Bricks and Lego. Click on the link to read the whole story, and see the lovely pictures.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

GLUG - Gaming Lego Users' Group

Back in 2003, a new LUG (Lego User Group) was formed. The group was called GLUG, which stands for the "Gaming Lego Users' Group".

It was formed by James Brown and Chris Weeks and it was originally inspired by the need for an official group to run LEGO-themed events at GenCon. It is now 2012, and I want to know what has happened to GLUG.

I am now going to look for GLUG, and  I will report back soon.

Stay Tuned.

Official GenCon Website:

Terrain - Modular Landscaping with Lego

This is a link to an article by Magnus Lauglo. It describes the method of creating modular Lego base plates with elevated sections, all which inter-connect to form a large diorama base or more importantly a large wargame terrain base. There are hills, roads and river sections. Add some trees and buildings, and you have a really nice wargame layout.

Modular River Sections
Photos by: Magnus Lauglo

Some of the Modular Sections
Photos by: Magnus Lauglo

An example of the sections connected together
Photos by: Magnus Lauglo

Another example of the sections connected together
Photos by: Magnus Lauglo

Have a look at the link ( for more photos and a very detailed description, as to how he builds this terrain.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lego Mechs and Walkers

One of my favourite gaming genre, is wargames played with big fighting robots or mechs/mecha. In more recent times I have liked my mech technology to be a little clunky. I like the VSF steam punk robots and mechs I see, and now the desiel-punk mechs as well. I am seeing lots of great Lego creations which I would really like to see on a wargaming tables. Below is a list of Lego mechs, of this "clunky" genre.

When Mechs were in their infancy.

Built by Lemon_Boy

Built by Unkown Builder
Built by Unkown Builder

SM-101 'Roosevelt'
Built by Ribbitz

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Weapons - Brickarms

So, where do I get all those cool weapons I see?

The place you are looking for is probably Brickarms (, These guys (Will Chapman and his family) make some really cool Lego compatible weapons.

They make weapons for modern warfare, as well as historical weapons, there are even selection of sci-fi weapons as well. Head over to their website and have a look, I am sure you will find what you need for some awesome minifig customizing.

The best thing about Brickarms is the quality. It is just as good a product, as Lego would make. The weapons are nicely proportioned to the Lego minifig, and they usually come in a variety of colours, including black, dark grey, white and sometimes in various tansparant colours.

[images coming soon]

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Terrain - Flocked Hex Tiles

From my earlier post. The one showing the lovely images of the Star Wars Lego wargame. I was fascinated by the terrain tiles, and how they complemented the actual Lego wargame pieces. So I did a quick Google search and found these.

Hexon II - Flocked Green Tile

Hexon II - Sample Board
They are called Hexon II Tiles, and you can purchase them ready flocked. These flocked tiles look very very similar to the ones used in the Star Wars game. What do you think?